Employees are Our Most Valuable Asset.

The foundation, on which Slavyansk ECO LLC HR policy is built, lies in the understanding that the company’s most valuable asset is, of course, its employees. Based on the fact that our company’s success directly depends on the people working there, we follow a particular strategy of HR policy, providing decent working conditions, including workplace safety and social security of all employees, increasing the interest of each team member in the company’s success and enhancing the overall staff performance.
In addition to improving production and technologies, the company, first and foremost, is interested in recruiting qualified specialists and staff development, which is the key to the company’s current and future success.
Along with attracting experienced professionals, the company is interested in young pro-active and promising individuals with a desire to create. The knowledge and invaluable years’ worth of experience gained in the industry are passed on to them. Our experts are always ready to share their knowledge with a new generation of employees. The majority of our management team is people who have successfully worked in the company and deservedly received recognition and promotion.
We offer our employees:
- Opportunity to work with accomplished employees – mentoring experts;
- Ability to directly participate in the implementation of interesting and large-scale projects;
- Access to cutting-edge technologies and study of new approaches and best practices;
- Opportunities for professional growth;
- Conditions for self-realization and improvement;
- Opportunity to show initiative and leadership in the development of processes and the enterprise as a whole.
The company is a reliable platform for professional growth of each employee and allows every opportunity to prove oneself both during development project implementation and in day-to-day operations. Each employee, becoming a member of our large team, has skills and knowledge to solve challenging and interesting problems as part of a team.